As a digital media consultant, I spend most of my time on digital marketing issues.  And ever since I received my Google AdWords certification from Google, I’ve been spending an increasing amount of time on paid search advertising.  But it’s important to know that the number one factor that influences search behavior is television.  Which is why for some campaigns, TV commercials are incredibly important.

For example, I’m working on a campaign to promote a new website (Sort My Meds) that is revolutioning medicine distribution.  One of the biggest challenges in health care is the question of how to help people understand how to take multiple medications on a daily basis.  Sort My Meds, created by Medicine-on-Time, works with pharmacies to package your medicine daily, along with dosage instructions baked right into the packaging, and delivers the medicine to your home.  This is an awesome product, and in my opinion, a TV commercial is one of the most effective ways to carry the message.

Meanwhile, SEO and PPC ads help make sure that the people who see the TV commercials are able to find the website and get their free trial of the product.

I’d love to know what you think of the commercial, embedded below.  If you watch the whole video, you can see that this agency knows how to have a good time.

Will Marlow is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in search engine optimization, Google AdWords (certified), Google Analytics (certified), social media, and blogging.  He is also a Google Trusted Photographer who creates virtual tours of businesses. Follow him on Twitter here.